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Image of Sculpture by the great Victor Greenhalgh borrowed with deepest gratitude.

Image of Sculpture by the great Victor Greenhalgh borrowed with deepest gratitude.

Story by Emmjay

In early breaking news this evening, sources close to the Pig’s Arms political commentator, Uhl Chrisman on the 5:45 from Lake George revealed that the fossilised remains of the former Liberal grate, Sir Billy McMahon would be running for the vacant   soon to be vacant position of vacant Prime Minister.

Legend has it that Sir Billy McMahon was about as vacant as anyone could be and he was therefore the ideal candidate to fill Tony’s still steaming shoes.

Impressed by the seriously concrete nature of the recumbent incumbent candidate, commentators thought it the best chance the Libnats have of cementing themselves in government.  And it was generally agreed that the fossilised remains of Sir Billy would bring a tried and true kind of stability upon which a “steady as you go” government could be built.

Sir Billy’s fossilised remains were unavailable for comment.