Spiralised Cat

Digital Mischief by Warrigal Mirriyuula

Pig=Tel’s cheeky new collaboration with Cat-sidermy extends the life of your pussie – just when you thought it was ready to become a pyjama bag or a new clutch of merkins (Merv – is that what they mean by Cougars ?”) – along comes the new highly-sprung Russian Blue from the makers at Pig-Tel – Cat-sidermy.

Next year Pig-Tel will be releasing the latest model – the Chinese Red (aka the Ming Spring)  and the jazz variant the “Mingus Springus”.

It’ll sell out fast so get your hors d’ouvres in early and secure your Pig-Tel Spiraliser.  Seventy-five easy monthly payments of $213.  Installation not included, but the guys who assemble Ikea will literally cut you a hot deal.  All it takes is an allen key (and a scalpel and a few litres of Hungcorp preservative)

See more of the great range of Pig-Tel products at the Pig’s Arms – Pig-Tel – a holy owned subsidiary of the Church of St Generic Brands – Cayman Is.