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Tuna and Pear pizza


This is one of my favourite pizzas of all time and comes from an authentic Italian cookbook that Tutu an I used a lot in our early days.

So make a pizza base. Do you need me to tell you how to do that I’m not sure. So buy one or make one. The home-made ones are better but I’ll leave that up to you.

Now as for level of ingredients, again that’s up to you and how many people you need to feed.

So lets assume you have a pizza base on a tray ready to go. The sauce that you apply goes like this.



Salt and pepper

Olive oil



Tomatoes and tomato paste


Add oil to pan with salt and pepper then fry garlic for a few minutes. Add onion and keep frying for a bit longer then add tomatoes, anchovies and tuna. Add tomato paste to thicken, this needs to be spreadable. Mash and let cool.

Get you pizza base and spread the tuna paste on the base. Add slices of pear and onion rings, cheese of choice and cook for 10 minutes or so in a 220 degree oven.

When I took a trip on the Ghan I sat next to a pizza shop owner who loved the idea of the recipe. The pair softens and is sweet. The tuna is salty and adds the contrast. The tomato base is basically tuna bolonaise and is delightful as a balance to the other ingredients.

Tutu and I voted this as our second best pizza. First place was onion, capsicum and mushroom.