
Painting and story by Lehan Winifred Ramsay

Roo jumps the fence, lands in a completely different paddock. Can’t jump back cause of the way the trees have grown around the fence. Maybe if he went way up the hill to the other side of the scrub he could find a way back. He’s not really sure though if it’s really that he liked the other paddock better or that this paddock is just not what he’s used to. He jumped across without thinking about it too much. It was the only way he could get himself to jump, was to not think too much. The minute he landed he did think. Oh no. This was a mistake. I want to go back.

But Roo knows that back is not a solution. Back is a problem. There are a lot of things that make back a bad idea. Back to the other paddock says; not enough grass, not enough roos like himself, and that bitter wind that blows in from the north. So there’s here that doesn’t feel right, and back there that wasn’t right either.

There’s not much that can be done. Sure he could run back now. And he is a bit tempted. But this might be a good paddock, better than the other one. Leaving now would make it impossible to know. Leaving now isn’t smart. There isn’t anything smart that can be done to make things easier here either. Nothing but taking one little step and then another and another. The occasional hop.

Roo thinks back to his meeting with those Pigs people. T’was them who told me about this paddock, he thought. Made it sound a bit worth giving a try. They should all be around here somewhere. Something about a second birthday.